
Consulting Services

  • Mobile app development
  • Web app development
  • API development
  • Data visualization
  • Tutorials and demo videos
  • Product videos
  • AI integrations (chatbots, image recognition, etc.)

Book a time to chat with me here: Brady’s Calender

What People Say

Jesse McIntire

Senior Software Engineer

Brady provided invaluable expertise while I was creating my SaaS mobile app. He demonstrated strong technical knowledge with native app development and is able to clearly explain technical concepts. I look forward to collaborating with him in the future and learning from his experience.

Mutahhir Hayat

Staff Software Engineer

Brady is an amazing professional that is always positive and moving forward. He is open to new things, earns trust with every encounter and thinks out of the box to solve complex problems. Software engineers aren’t always the best when it comes to customer facing situations, but Brady was exemplary in the role. He cares deeply for the product and the customers and is always willing to go the extra mile to solve customer problems.